How to increase font size in WordPress

Changing font size in WordPress can be challenging, especially for beginners. In this video I cover 4 unique ways to increase or change the font size on any WordPress website. These methods work with both the classic editor and the block editor and all methods are beginner friendly.

00:00 First Method
01:39 Second Method
02:53 Third Method
06:35 Fourth Method

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In this video I'm going to show you how To change the font size on your WordPress website let's go so I'm going To be demonstrating the font size change On both of the editors inside WordPress The first one being the block editor Which you can see right here and the Second one being the classic editor and Right now I have just one sentence on Both the posts this is a sentence and This is a sentence or this is a Paragraph sorry if I refresh this page You can see the block editor this is a Sentence and if I go here I'll refresh This this is a paragraph both have Similar sizes but both are paragraphs so No control over changing the font size The first thing we can do to change the Font size is by using headings now as I Said this is a paragraph block if you go Here in the list you can see this is a Paragraph block or you can just click on It and you'll see this icon right here Which means it's a paragraph block so we Need to change the type of block it is To change the font size and we can Convert this into a heading block so I'll click here transform to heading and Now this becomes a heading and now I Have more control over how I want to Change the font size of the heading so I Can make it an H1 which is the largest Font size I can make it an H2 H3 the Bigger the number with the H the smaller

The font size so let's stick with H3 and I'll update the post the same thing I I Can do here I just need to highlight the Text first and then go here and then Just make sure to select the right font Size or the right heading type and click Update and once the page is updated I'll Just go to the blog editor I'll refresh The page here and you see this is a Sentence is now big in size if I go to The classic editor refresh the page here This is a paragraph So This is the first Step to increasing font size inside WordPress with the blog editor let's Talk about the second method so talking About the second method to change font Sizes in WordPress this method only Works with the block editor so let me Demonstrate that for you very quickly Now if you want to just change the font Size and don't want to change the block You want to keep it at as paragraphs It's actually possible I just wanted to Highlight the difference between the Block editor and the classic editor if You use headings so let's say you're Using the paragraph block say similar to What I am doing here I'll click here and In apart from these options here you'll Also have block based options here so What you can do is you can see it right Here the typography size option is Already present all you have to do is Click on the appropriate size you like

And the font will be changed to it so if I click small it's small if I medium Click medium it is medium large and even XL so let's say if I want the large size For this I can just update the post go Here and this is the old one I'll Refresh it and now it's a new uh font Size based on what we selected here now Let's say you want to go back to the Default settings all you have to do is Click the three dotted menu here and Reset this option now you might be Wondering is it possible to change the Font size in the classic editor without Using headings yes it is possible and That's the topic of method number three So let's talk about method number three So let's talk about method number three And Method number three is by using a Plugin and the plugin we going to use is Called Advanced editor tools it's a Plugin by Auto automatic that means the Company that manages WordPress so it's An official plugin so no need to be Worried about any kind of security Issues so Advanced editor tools this is The plugin make sure to just take a look At the icon 2 million plus installs it's A very popular plugin let's install the Plugin wait for it to Finish let's also activate the plugin All right so the plug-in is now Installed now before I use the plug-in In the classic editor or the block

Editor let's look at the settings Because there might be some things you Need to change this plugin works with Both the block editor and the uh classic Editor so if I go here you'll see two Set of settings the block editor and the Classic editor if I go to classic editor You'll see this kind of menu uh option Here which means that this is the kind Of menu you'll see in the classic editor When this plugin is active more Importantly you'll have or you'll notice That the font family and the font sizes Buttons are already present so when you Make changes to the uh fonts or make CH Want to make changes to the fonts inside The classic editor these options are Already configured for the classic Editor but if you go back to the block Editor you'll see that these blocks are Not added here so what we'll need to do First is just add these both of these Blocks to this menu save our settings so That we can actually use this block or Use these settings so let's clearly find Out where these are I'll just look for It this is the font sizes I'll just drag It here and let go here and I'll also Find the font family I'll just drag it Here and leave it here now these are the Only two uh I say buttons or Widgets or Whatever we want to have the font family And the font sizes once this is done you Can just scroll to the bottom of the

Page click save changes so changes are Saved let's first go to the classic Editor here and let's change and let's Use this so for that what I have to do Is first I'll refresh the page so that You see a next uh new set of options and I'll just delete the entirety of this Sentence I'll just type this once again This is a Sentence and now you already see all These options available I can just Change the font size by using these Options so 13 pix uh the font size was Set to 13 now I can do it set it to 10 12 14 18 similar to how you would edit The document you can edit the font size Here if I update it here I'll go back I'll refresh this instantly you see the Changes if I go back I'll select this Sentence again I'll make it 36 really Big I'll update this I'll go back Refresh and now this is the change Reflected live so this is how you use The plug-in that we just talked about in The classic editor in the block editor The process is slightly different inside The block editor I won't be able to use The regular paragraph block I have to Use a new block that's added by the Plugin so what I'll do is I've already Refresh the page I'll just add that new Block it's called the classic paragraph So I'll type forward slash here type Classic and you see the second one the

Classic paragraph option once I click it You'll see a similar interface popping Up that you saw in the class class Editor or the old editor so now it's the Very similar interface so nothing to Worry about nothing to figure out just Type a sentence so let's say this is a New sentence and the exact same thing Can be done here I'll just go here Select the entirety and I can change the Font size here I'll just update the post Go here and Refresh and now you see the new sentence Pop up here with a different font size So that's how easy it is to change font Sizes with the advanced editor plugin But there's another method you can use Which uses CSS but I think it's the most Powerful method so let's talk about that Method now so the next and the most Robust method you can utilize to Increase font size in WordPress is by Using the plugin called WP code so I'm Already in the plug-in section add new Section I'll search for WP code and WP Code is a plugin that helps you create And manage code snippets on your site Let's install the plugin and by using The uh WP code plugin we'll create a Small snippet that'll apply to the Entirety of our website and with that Simple Cote snippet uh it'll increase The font size of all the paragraphs now It might sound scary but it's absolutely

Absolutely easy to follow even if you Have no experience in writing code so WP Code is now installed and activated you Will also see the Cod snippet menu Appear here don't worry it's very simple Just go to the code Snippets go and Click the add Snippets button we'll Create a new custom snippet add your Custom code snippet we'll click it and This will open the interface all you Have to do is first name the snippet I'll name it Big Font Size and I'll choose the CSS snippet Because this is a CSS code that we Writing and the code is very simple to Follow P space curly brackets it'll Automatically add the ending curly Bracket press enter to split it into two Lines we'll type in Font for slash or hyphen sorry Size let's say we want to make it 36 PX And semicolon now whatever font size you Want to have for the paragraph you can Add it here here I'm just adding 36 as An example once you're done just click This button which makes it active also Save the snippet now there are plenty of Other options inside WP code you can Scroll here you see a lot of different Options this is Advanced use of WP code It's a very powerful plugin but for now We don't need to use all of these Features this this uh piece of code will Make the font size bigger once this is

Done I'll go here I'll just refresh the Page just for safety both these pages And go back here all right I'll just Delete this and okay let's convert to Classic block and I'll delete this block I'll just type in a new block once again And what I'll do is since I'm just Typing it in it will be a paragraph Block so this is the Newest sentence this is the new sentence If I'll update the post here you see This is a simple block that I have just Created I haven't made any changes let's Go back here I'll refresh this page and You see the font sizes is quite large Because we've set the font size to 36 Pixels now if I go here and let's say For example I want to override this then Using the typography options on the page You can actually overwrite this so you Can say this will be Overridden Oops this will be changed let's make it Simple and I'll just click here and Choose a medium size for the font or Let's keep it small just to have a Differentiation updated let's go back Refresh the page and this font size does Not change because I've overridden it With the typography options inside the Classic editor I've just typed in a new Sentence this is a a new sentence I'll Update it once again it's updated it's a Paragraph block make sure it's paragraph

Because that's what we working with Right now I'll go here I'll refresh the Page and now you see it's again a big Size and if I want to override this I'm Not sure if it works in the classic Editor but I can just copy this let's Try this and select this and if I make This let's say to 18 Pixels I'll just save the page I'll Refresh this so it definitely works so If I override the settings using the Plugin that we installed it will Override the default setting that we Created similarly it happens in the Block editor as well in the block editor You don't need to use the classic Paragraph or the classic paragraph block You can just override the settings using The block options right here so these Are all the options that you have uh to Update your phone size or increase the Font size in WordPress definitely check Out WP code it's the most flexible and Versatile solution and you can have Multiple I say categories of different Text that you can modify so very Powerful plugin I've just maybe not even Scratch the surface of what it can do For your website and of course if you Have any questions on how to increase The phone size in WordPress or any other Topic related to WordPress the comment Section is open leave your questions There or your feedback there my name is

Yrj make sure you subscribe before you Leave and watch a cat video on the Internet and I'll see you in the next Video take Care

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