What is an Editor in WordPress?

There are many roles that you can assign to people and use to your advantage on WordPress. Today we are going to breakdown exactly what a WordPress editor can do. So, if you should decide to make someone an editor for your WordPress page and give them that power, you will know exactly what they’re able to do.

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What is an editor on WordPress well in Simple terms they can create edit Publish or delete content from your site But they cannot mess with your site Settings at all so this could be a Really important role that you want to Be able to assign to somebody who does Have access to the back end of your WordPress page so when would an editor Come in handy so imagine you are running A Blog with multiple authors it's going To be really useful to have somebody who Can proofread articles maintain your Content quality and start to manage Categories and tags and as your website Grows you might need a team editors Ensure everything stays topnotch plus They can even start to read and respond To comments if you do have editors that Are going to help you manage your Content that might free up a little bit More time for you to start optimizing Things within your site such as your SEO And one of the absolute best ways to do That is with the plug-in allinone SEO It's our absolute top pick is incredibly Powerful and if you want to check it out Please do hit the link down in the top Pinned comment or in the description and At the very end of the video there'll Also be another video linked for Information on all-in-one SEO so now you Might be wondering what's the difference Between an editor and an author well an

Author can publish but they can't manage Or touch other people's posts whereas an Editor does have that control and author Also can't interact with comments in the Same way that an editor would and the Editor role can really be anything that You want it to be you are managing this Big site you need editors to help you Out with your multiple authors but maybe You want the editor role to be more Streamlined you only want them to be Able to make amendments to posts you Don't want them to have access to Anything else well you can do that you Have complete control over what the Editor role does for you with your site Do remember as you are assigning the Editor role though with great power Comes great responsibility you want to Make sure you are only assigning this to Somebody that you trust

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