Did you know you can improve your online store reach and potential by implementing easy SEO changes? In this video, I through many tips you can readily implement on your website and get more traffic and sales.
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00:00 – WooCommerce SEO
00:24 – Tip #1
01:39 – Tip #2
03:48 – Tip #3
05:20 – Tip #4
06:48 – Tip #5
09:15 – Tip #6
11:13 – Tip #7
13:36 – Tip #8
14:54 – Tip #9
15:56 – Tip #10
Top Resources
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►Best WordPress Contact Form Plugin https://wpforms.com/wpbeginner
►Best WordPress Analytics Plugin https://www.monsterinsights.com/
►Best Lead Generation Plugin https://optinmonster.com/
►Best WordPress SEO Plugin
►Best Theme Builder for WordPress https://www.seedprod.com/
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►What is SEO and How Does it Work? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JjfrzGeB5_g
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Trying to optimize your woocommerce Store for SEO can feel more complicated Than entering an impenetrable maze but It doesn't have to be if you follow the Tips I'm going to give you in this video You'll be 80% already there optimizing Your website for search engines that Mean getting more traffic from Google And other search engines related to your Keywords so let me give you all the tips And make sure to subscribe to our Channel before you start following the Tips let's begin my first tip is to Always install a great SEO plug-in my Recommendation goes to all-in-one SEO or AI SEO for short is one of the best SEO Plugins on the market now woocommerce is Already optimized for SEO or at least it Has some features that you can use to Optimize your product pages and your Website for SEO but doesn't have all the Options required that you need to Maximize your chances in this case Allinone comes to the rescue and gives You all the different options Opportunities and different criteria That you need to fulfill to give Google All the data it needs and maximize your Chance in the search results some of the Important features are robots meta Schema optimizing your website for Social sharing and hundreds of other Features that can move the needle when It comes to SEO so make sure to install
Allin one SEO it's pretty simple there's A free version you can get started just Head over to the plugin section in your WordPress website search for aiio SEO And you'll see all in one SEO come up in The search results just make sure Install and follow the setup bizard Which will guide you through the Step-by-step process of doing all the Heavy lifting for you so you don't have To be a technical genius to optimize Your site by following the set of visard Most of the optimizations that you need To perform will be taken care of by Allin one SEO itself so that's the first Step to optimize you w Commerce website For SEO the next step in optimizing your Website for SEO and getting more traffic From Google and other search engines is Write friendly or SEO friendly product Titles now optimizing your titles makes The most sense because Google can see it And will make decisions based on the Name of the title or name of the product That what the product is about and Understand your product pages and also The users will also see it that means The customers that you hope to get to Your site will also see the product Title and make a decision if that's the Product that they are looking for and They'll click through your website so Optimizing that is the most important Thing you can do on your W Commerce
Store thankfully Allin one SEO has you Covered it has an inbuilt feature where You can optimize your titles based on How or what keywords you want to add There all you have to do is go to any Woocommerce products scroll down to the Bottom of the page to find allinone SEO Settings box there you'll find the Product title option and what you can do Is customize the product title Individually or customize a template That'll be used for all your products so If you want to add the brand name of the Product store name to the product or any Optimized keyword to lot of different Products then you can make change to the Template once and it will be carry Forward to all the different products And you'll still have control over Individual product names you can Optimize them directly on the product Page itself when you're optimizing Titles it's important to remember that You optimizing for search engines that Means people typing something in Google Search so make sure to add relevant Keywords that people might search Related to your products a simple Example of a boring and unoptimized Title would be leather wallet it Describes the product but doesn't give You any details of what people will Search for on the contrary an SE Optimized title for the same product can
Say double fold slim natural leather Brown wallet it describes a lot of Things that people will search for high Quality leather durable slim double fold These are the kind of things that people Search for when buying anything so if You describe your products in an SEO Friendly way just like the example I Just gave you you're maximizing or Increasing the chances that Google will Understand your product and Google's job Is to connect people with the right Information so your products coming up In search or the chances of your Products coming up in search will be Maximized that's step number one the Next step is to optimize your products Meta descriptions now un likee the title The Meta description does not show up on Your site anything with the word meta Usually means that it's designed only For search engine so metad description Is first thing important to search Engines to understand the product better And the metad description also shows up Just below the link or the URL or the Title in the search engines directly so What you write here is important because The visitors or the users when they see The title the next thing that logically They'll do is read the description and If it matches their expectations they're More likely to click on the product now The process to optimize this is very
Simple go to allinone SEO and just below The product title you'll see the tab for Meta description deson or optimizing Your meta description in the same way That you optimize the title you can Optimize The Meta description by typing In The Meta description or use the smart Tags built in Allin one SEO to get Dynamic data so if you want to add the Product title there you want to add the Product description there or any other Data that is already on your site you Can refer it there and again it supports Templates so you can use or create a Template on the website level that will Be used for your meta descriptions or Optimize every individual products meta Description now keep in mind this is Very important for visitors as well as Search engines so make sure to add the Same SEO friendly keywords or describe The product in a way which will fulfill The users's desire so if the wallet You're selling is a slim wallet make Sure to add those keywords because if That's what users looking for it's very Useful for them to see it directly in The description which will help them Convert better and click through your Website the next step is to optimize Your products slug now slug is a fancy Word for URL but the URL is not the Complete URL it's after your site name What shows up here is called as the slug
And this is what users will see just Below the title as the link that they'll Click through so it's obviously Important for visitors and it's also Important for search engine because Looking at the slug our search engines Decide or take take it as a input Feedback on what the product is about so Make sure to do the same optimization we Did for the titles and met descriptions That me add the relevant keywords but The idea here is not to make the slug Way too long it looks awkward and Unnatural so just make it smaller and Moderate length so that it makes sense To the user as well as search engines so For example if you're selling a slim Wallet once again you might say instead Of slim durable double fold leather Wallet that's a very long URL you might Say slim double fold leather wallet or Even slim leather wallet that makes more Sense from a slug perspective because You've already added the relevant data In the title and met descriptions you Can skip the making the slug too long Just make it useful and once again you Can customize the slug directly in all Inone SEO just below the SEO title you Have the option to customize your slug As well whatever the slug is the default Option is the title so if you optimize The title with lot of different keywords The slug will become by default way too
Long so all you have to do is delete the Slug and just add an SEO friendly slug The way I described and you'll have an Optimize slug in woocommerce instantly The next optimization tip I have for you Is to enable breadcrumbs on your site Now bread crumbs might be confusing to a Lot of people because breadcrumbs show Up in a variety of different places on Your website you can configure them and They also show up in Google search so it Might be confusing to what actual Breadcrumbs are so all of the things I Described are breadcrumbs but the Performance are the show up differently In the variety of different ways so the First place where breadcrumb show up is In Google search so when you search for Any product specifically you'll find the Breadcrumbs just below the product title That means the Big Blue Link that you Click on the bread crumbs are usually Just below it so they give a nice Hierarchy to the user to understand Where the product is for example Somebody once again and searching for Leather wallet then you might have have A a category for leather products on Your s so the instant hierarchy will Show up that means user will have more Confidence to see that hey maybe this Site does sell all good leather products So they might just go to it so that's The first place where bread comes show
Up now the question is how to enable This feature that Google actually shows Bread Crums in the search results the Answer is pretty simple all you have to Do is go to allinone SEO and Allin SEO Has a setting for bread Crums already Inside the general settings so once you Inside the general settings all you have To do is go to bread crumb section and Enable breadcrumbs and you can also Enable or add breadcrumbs to block post That you write for example let's say You're writing a block post on the best 10 wallets you can carry or top Min Minimal wallets or leather wallets Something like that then you can enable Or add breadcrumbs manually to these Pages as well so all you have to do is Once you've enabled breadcrumbs in all In SEO just use the Allin one SEO Breadcrumbs Gutenberg block so when You're writing the B post just search For the new block search for a iio SEO Breadcrumbs and you'll find the Breadcrumbs block there just add it to The page wherever you want and if you're Mentioning a specific category and you Say to the users that hey if you're Looking for slim leather wallets here's Where you can go to so you can directly Enable or add the bread Crums there so People can actually make a decision Whether they want to click through the Category or the main category so it also
Gives users a nice hierarchical view of Whatever products you have on your Bommer store so that's the three places BLC show up first in Google search and Once you enable them in all you don't Have to worry about showing them up in Google search that all SEO does Everything inside so that Google can Understand and if you want to show brecs On uh let's say blog post on your site Then just use the Gutenberg block that I Just mentioned and you can add brecs to Any page or post on your site as well The next optimization tip is to properly Categorize your products using Categories and tags now a lot of people Might be confused between the difference Between categories and tags so let me Just give you a simple explanation Categories are mostly hierarchical so if You have have products on your store That have follow a hierarchy then you Might want to use categories for example Wallets then leather wallets then slim Leather wallets it's a nice hierarchy But let's say you're defining also kind Of style that has a print that it has or The color it has then you might use tags To signify what kind of style the wallet Has so it can have a print on it it can Be slim it can be used for a specific Style that is where tags come in now why This is important is because first of All it makes logical sense to understand
Your products and also Google can Understand these categories better and Also woocommerce by default will create Pages for categories so if you have Category called wallets then W Commerce Will create a dedicated page about it And leather wallets then woocommerce Will again create a dedicated page about It so it's important to understand what Kind of categories you are creating Because they will have dedicated pages And you can optimize them with all SEO Which I'm going to describe in the next Few steps so the idea is that if let's Say you're selling leather wallets and You have a specific category page on Your site called leather wallet Wouldn't you want that page to rank high In the search results obviously that's The money maker right so in that case The best thing you can do is first of All categorize your products logically Based on what you just understood and Also optimize those pages so you can Maximize the chances of those category Pages also ranking in the search results So the foundation of getting more search Traffic through category Pages or on Category pages is to optimize and first Organize your products so make sure to Use categories correctly you can use Tags as well based on what information Has and if you want to understand the Difference on a deeper level I'll link a
Blog post down in the description of This video where you'll find the Difference between categories and tax so You can read up on it and make an Informed decision on what you want to Use for organizing products on your W Store the next optimization you should Form is add all text to all your images Now what is an all text all text stands For alternate text now originally it was Created so that visually disabled people Or people using screen readers can hear What the image is about because screen Datas usually won't display images but They'll display a text what the image is About so people with visual disability Can hear it and people using screen Readers can actually read it but search Engine understood that this is a great Way to understand what the image is About this is before the AI boom was There and people or Google or search Engines could actually understand images To a good level so they would use all Text as let's say a direction to Understand what the image is about and Understanding an image on a page is a Great idea to understand what the page Is about so on a woocommerce product Page if the product is described or the Image all text describes the product It's a signal to Google what the product Is about so it's important to optimize And make sure to add all the relevant
Keywords to your alt text as well now Thankfully all this is easy right inside WordPress but what you can do is Automate it so let me first describe how Would you do it in WordPress all you Have to do is go to your media library Go to your images any images and once You open the image in a broader Big View You'll see an all text option just to The right and you can add your all text There now thankfully allu has automation Features where you can optimize all text On your site and basically it has an Entire image SEO module which you can Use to completely overall your images Here's some of the features inside alio Image SEO feature you can create an all Tag format inside alio which will apply To all images that means all the images Will automatically have their all tag Created and added to them directly and You can also do a lot of different Things you can enable autogenerate Caption on upload autog generate Description and upload that means Whenever you upload images to your site All seu will automatically generate the Caption and the description of the image Now allu also have a feature of Automatically optimizing the title of The images so whenever you upload an Image and if you have set up all SEO Correctly the title of the image will Automatically be created as well now
That's pretty powerful stuff so if You're just using all SEO enable the Image as you add on enable all these Features configure them whenever you Upload an image the all text the title The caption and the description of the Images will be created automatically and You won't even have to lift a finger That's The Power of using Allin mesio The next and very important tip to Optimize your woocommerce store is to Optimize your category Pages let me show You how so as I already explained Woocommerce will create a dedicated page For every category you have and if you Optimized your categories or created Your categories well then all of these Pages will be created by woocommerce Automatically so the best thing you can Do is to optimize these Pages using SEO Titles and metod descriptions now Similar to how you optimize product Pages all SEO also lets you optimize Product category Pages inside W Commerce All you have to do is head to the Category page on your woocommerce store And then edit the category and on the Edit page if you scroll down you'll see The all in SEO settings I'll give you a Snippet preview a category title and Meta description the snippet preview is Pretty powerful to understand how it's Going to look like but the more Important thing you have to optimize is
The category title and meta description Make sure to use the same principle that Described of using SEO optimized words To describe the specific category and Add the relevant keywords and Description to the title and The Meta Description as I said The Meta Description does not show up to the Users but it will show up in the search Results and also the title is obviously Displayed for S search engines and also For the users as well and show up your On your website as well so make sure to Optimize both of these and maximize your Chances of getting traffic to category Pages the next important tip doesn't Directly relate to SEO but it's very Important if you want to get higher rank Rankings and that's to optimize your Website for best performance that means Optimize your website for Speed now Speed or optimizing your website for Speed is a complicated topic you can do Hundreds of things or thousand things to Improve the speed of your woocommerce Store but the most important and the Biggest impact you can have is by Choosing the right hosting provider if You choose the right hosting provider And choose the right plan from the Hosting provider you will get a lot of The work done from the speed perspective Already now there are tons of Hosting Providers out there but our V goes to
Blue host and sideg ground both of them Have startup plans that are built for Basic websites few pages websites but if You want to run a successful e-commerce Store we would recommend that you go for The e-commerce plans or the higher plans Once you have that you'll have a lot of Bandwidth lot of data and lot of I say Speed on your website which will Automatically improve the load times off Your site and people will be happier Because they'll get faster load times And be able to browse your store faster So make sure to optimize or choose the Right hosting provider that's also Absolutely important for SEO the next Important optimization tip I have for You is to make datab backed decisions What are the products that people are Interested in what are they checking out What are they actually purchasing on Your site making all these decisions Requires data and once you have that Data you can just understand your people Better or customers better and make Important decisions like what products To promote on the homepage which Products should show up in the category Page top of the page and all those Decisions that give the people what they Want without the friction and if you Want to use this or if you want to Gather this data the most important tool Or the most best tool available is
Google analytics now the only problem is That Google analytics is little hard for Beginners to set up on a woocommerce Store specifically that's why I would Recommend you use something like monster Insights monster insides takes all the Heavy lifting away and just with a few Clicks you can install Google analytics On your woocommerce store you'll start Seeing actionable data instantly and Monster insights has a beautiful new Feature called AI insights so instead of Having to hunt into reports you can Actually talk to monster insights and Ask hey how are my sales last week Compared to the week before and monster Insights will answer those questions Without you having to become an Analytics expert and if you want to see This feature live in action and also how To configure monster insights on any Website including a wuk store you should Watch this video right here which will Explain how monster insights works and Also demonstrate that AI insights Features as well so make sure to check That video out and if you like this kind Of video subscribe to our Channel leave A comment if you have a question and Make sure to like this video as well You're watching yra from double beginner I'll catch you in the next video take Care