Quickly Add a PayPal Payment Form in WordPress

full episode: https://youtu.be/OfnaqI5am44
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The next area we want to go to is let's Go to add-ons so this is where we're Going to add the Paypal payment add-on Let's go ahead and install it and WP Forms will go out and install it and Activate it so then we can use it great Now we can come over to the left and Let's go ahead and click add new and What we want to do here is we want to go Ahead and name it And the cool thing is they have a ton of Templates to choose from so you don't Have to create it from scratch so the One we want to start with is the Building order form because that's going To use a lot of the fields and Notifications that we will already use So you can go through and do all the Adjustments that you want with this it's A perfect way to drag and drop and make It however you need

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