I Found The EASIEST Way To Make MONEY With Chat GPT – Easy $100/day Without Hard Work

The Easiest Way To Make Money With Chat Gpt – Easy $100/day Without Hard Work

If you want to start making at least $100/day with ChatGPT, this video is for you. I have found the easiest way to make money with Chat GPT and the best part is that 80-90% of the work is done for you… all you need to put this together.

The other AI tool I used on this video is this one:

➤ TRY PICTORY (+20% OFF with a code brettvid)
➡️ ➡️ https://brettslansky.com/pictory20off/yt

This is proven method to make money online, because there are thousands of faceless YouTube channels, where you don’t need to be on the camera at all. And when you use ChatGPT create the videos scripts, you are saving $30-50 per video! You should have no excuse anymore when it comes to making money online. More videos you create, more passive income you will earn.

It’s simple math!

If you want to know how to make money with AI BOTS while you sleep, check out this page:

➡️ https://aibotsprofits.epicmarketingboss.com/

AI tools are here to help us to work smarter rather than harder. If you know which AI BOTS to use and for what, you will be able to set yourself for life.

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Hi! I’m Brett and I have been learning and applying ways to make extra income online. After while I was able to quit my 9-5 job and start my own online business and martial arts school. When I first start learning to make money online in 2001, I did not expect that this will be the best option for me to be my own boss, do what I love to do and travel to different countries and learn about new cultures. I will show you the best ways to make money online that helped me to get to the point that I could quit my 9-5 nightmare. If you have any questions about how to get started to do your own thing online, let me know. I am more than happy to help.😉

And if you want to learn how to make extra $3-5K a month with various AI BOTS, check out the link below:
➡️ https://aibotsprofits.epicmarketingboss.com/

For more ways to make money online this is my recommendation:
➡️ https://brettslansky.com/ytgo

Hi! I’m Brett and I have been learning and applying ways to make extra income online. After while I was able to quit my 9-5 job and start my own online business and martial arts school. When I first start learning to make money online in 2001, I did not expect that this will be the best option for me to be my own boss, do what I love to do and travel to different countries and learn about new cultures. I will show you the best ways to make money online that helped me to get to the point that I could quit my 9-5 nightmare. I hope you will do the same very soon via affiliate marketing, making YouTube videos, blogging, investing in crypto and nfts. If you have any questions about how to get started to do your own thing online, let me know. I am more than happy to help.😉

➤ MORE VIDEOS on Chat GPT App:

ChatGPT Creates YouTube Channels – Make Money Online with YouTube – Chat GPT Shows You Everything
➡️ https://youtu.be/UvjHP-YPoc8

Will OpenAi Chat GPT Replace Google? Learn How to Make MONEY ONLINE with ChatGPT-3 Ai Bot Now
➡️ https://youtu.be/ZcFEBJc00Uo

How To Write Product Review Article With ChatGPT App – Complete Chat GPT-3 Tutorial for Beginners
➡️ https://youtu.be/pSObXCMN-Dw

ChatGPT for Videos – Make Engaging YouTube Videos In 5 Minutes – Full Beginner Tutorial
➡️ https://youtu.be/mkqsc6HmZWo



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I talk about proper mindset, making money online and how to live the life according to your own terms…
🌍 https://brettslansky.com

🌍 https://www.epicmarketingboss.com

I Found The Easiest Way To Make Money With Chat Gpt – Easy $100/day Without Hard Work

On this video you will see what is the easiest way to make money online with ChatGPT. It requires just few minutes to do research and than let ChatGPT do the heavy lifting for you. With this make money online method, you can easily make $100/a day.

➤ Watch replay:
📹 https://youtu.be/jzH3z2PbOgk
📹 https://youtu.be/jzH3z2PbOgk

Note: some links may be affiliate links to provide a small kickback to support my channel. Thank you! 🤩

I found the easiest way you can make Money online with GPT this is probably The easiest one hundred dollars a day Income you can make online and the best Part is it does not require any hard Work let's go [Music] This is picture fit it's very cool Channel with 1.17 million subscribers Right now but all they do is short Videos without even showing their face But they are making around 100 on Average every single day from the YouTube ads alone I firmly believe that If you want to make money online you Need to model somebody who is already Successful right and this channel for Example is pretty successful and it Makes at least one hundred dollars a day From YouTube ads alone but if you can Also make affiliate commissions from These videos you will be able double Triple or quadruple your daily income And to really show you the big potential Of how much money can you make with Health and fitness products online let's Go to ClickBank when we go to ClickBank And we go to health and fitness you will See that there are many products that You can make 140 dollars per conversion 128 dollars per conversion which means You can make just one single sale a day In order to make another one hundred Dollars Commission on top of what you

Would make from YouTube AdSense so now Let me show you how easily you can do Similar things what picture fit channel Is doing with the GPT but before we Start creating videos for our faceless YouTube channel we need to know exactly What content is successful so in order To do that you go to socialblade and go To the channel you want to model like For example here picture fit and then You go to user videos once you are in User videos you just go to 50 most Viewed videos and you will get list of Videos that have a lot of views that Means if you start creating videos Similar to these ones you are pretty Much guaranteed to have lots of views on Your YouTube channel so probably the Hardest part for you is going to be find The channel that you want to model but After that you can just fire jgpt do the Whole work and you will be able to get The same or similar success and what is Really cool about jgbt is that you can Let it do the 80 to 90 work and then you Use your human brain and use the other 10 to finish the work so for this Example I'm gonna show you this video And let's just create script with GPT so We copy the name Then we go to chatopeni.com and ask jgpt To write a script [Music] And as you could see for this command

Jgpt told me that he can help create Script for the video and what is cool Really about this is that it even tells You what scenes you need to include in Your video which will help you to create The video way faster than if you will be Thinking about what scenes you need to Include of course you can use the human Brain and make it your own but for this Example let me just continue to creating This video now please understand that to Create video script for YouTube video Can be pretty expensive sometimes it can Go anywhere from 30 to 50 dollars even More per video check it out yourself if You go to Fiverr and try to type And there is plenty of people who can do The video script for you so even if you Go to the cheapest one you will see that It is a script only for three minute Video so longer your video is going to Be more money it will cost so for Example 10 minute video will be around 25 Can you see how much money jgpt can save You by creating these videos a lot so Now let's go and create some video so Now since we have the video script done We can simply copy it and we can start Creating video And then we can go to another AI tool Which is called pictory and this is Where this bot will create the video for You and because you have the script then

You just basically need to proceed to Script to video and then simply you Enter your video name and start tapping Here the video script For now I can delete this opening shots Because I don't need it for this demo And I can delete this narrator thing So let's create some of these scenes Now you will want to format it a little Bit better in order to make it more Engaging maybe make even intro and outro But for now let's just make it like this So you know how easy it is to create the Video Once you copy paste the script From jgpd you basically can go to Proceed and create a video it will ask You what templates you want to choose From and for this video let me just do This one so you select your template for A YouTube video always select 16 to 9 And now tool goes and creates the Storyboard and the video for you You can go and create the video looking Way better for example if this is too Big then you can go right here to the Text and you can simply split the scene And you can even split this in here so That it creates the scenes based on what You put right here so you would go Through all the video and make sure that Everything is fine then you would hit Preview and generate when you generate The video it starts creating the scenes And it will generate the video for you

And your video can be done within 10 to 15 minutes again 80 to 90 percent of Work will be done by this video creation AI tool you will just use your 10 to 20 Of your brain and work to make it look Way better but as you can see it's Really great and easy process and if you Want to try this tool there's going to Be Link in the description below this Video where you can get even 20 off if You want to create videos with this tool So the video is generated and all you Can do is basically hit the download to Download it to your computer once it is Downloaded you need to upload it to your YouTube channel and don't forget get When you upload that video in the YouTube description make sure you Include your affiliate link so when People visit that sales page of the Product that you chose on ClickBank then You make the commission and as you can See for example on the video that we Copied on the YouTube channel you will See that he has a link to his store Where he sells his product so this link Can be anything can be linked to your Own store to your website to your lead Page where you basically generate leads From this video and then use email Marketing to sell on different affiliate Products or you can use domain name Redirect and redirect it to affiliate Product and when somebody would buy you

Could generate really cool commissions From Health and Fitness Products now in Order for you to make really good money With this you need to create at least Two to three videos every single week But as you can see with GPT you can Create video scripts pretty fast and Using the picture but you can create Videos on the go really fast so from my Own personal experience I think that you Would need to have at least two to three Hours per week in order for you to Create enough videos to see some cool Results but again eighty percent of the Job is done by AI tools like jgpd for Example I will let you found this video Helpful in teaching you how to make Extra 100 bucks a day online I think It's a really easy method and if you Really enjoyed this video please give me Like and if you are completely new to my Channel and you want to get more ideas On how to make money online please smash That subscribe button with the Bell Notification icon and I will see you Next time Foreign [Music]

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