One of the best ways to maximize your revenue is using social media, simply for exposure, however, it doesn’t usually bring in much in the way of sales. Today, lets fix that and maximize your online store sales using Instagram.
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0:00 How to increase conversions and make more leads.
0:30 The best tool to use increase conversions.
1:18 How to create a popup for conversions.
9:24 How to publish and activate your conversions campaign.
11:00 Build Trust
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You and I are owners of online stores so Of course we want to grab people's Attention we want to make more sales we Can do that by increasing our conversion Rate and if we can we of course want to Generate leads at the same time we can Do all of that with just one tool so That's what I'm going to show you today I'm going to show you how to do all of Those things in a nice tidy neat little Package and hopefully make yourself some More Money all right so to start with we need To grab the opt-in monster plugin so I'm Going to across to plugins here and Click on add new plugin it's going to Take me across to the WordPress plugins Repository and I'm just going to look For optin Monster this is what I'm looking for Right here so I'm just going to click on Install now hang around for a second and Then click activate that's going to drop Us through to the opin monster dashboard Right here and the first thing we want To do is to connect our site so we can Click on connect your site just there That's going to give you two options you Can either start a free account or you Can connect your existing account I'm of Course going to connect my existing Account as I do have opin monster there We go it's really easy now what we can Do is we can come down here and we can
Start to decide what kind of popup we Want to create I'm just going to go with A standard popup for this one you can Create this on the uh free version of Optin monster if you do want to go a Little bit further and start using Things like the exit intent technology That optim monster has this essentially Means that when somebody's looking to Leave your website you can actually have Something pop up on screen as something That is likely to entice them to stay It's a really great feature along with All of these other types of popups that You can get with the pro and definitely Consider Upgrading to that Pro Plan and you can Do that by clicking the link down in the Top pin comment or in the description Where you can get it for the best Possible price whenever you happen to be Watching this but I have my popup just Here and then I can come and I can Select what type of popup I want to Create these are all really great and Essentially what this is going to allow You to do is to create a popup that Suits your brand and without you having To do very much at all all everything is Going to be built in and you just amend It to whatever suits you so for example If we come up here let's use this get a Discount code right there I'm just going To click on use template what do we want
To call the campaign and we'll just call It discount Code and start building so here we have The popup as is shown by the template But we can amend and change all of this To suit us the most obvious thing to Change is going to be this background Image so we're going to click on that Come across cross to the left hand side And I can change this particular image Now this is an image that I've used Before for another site but I don't want To use that so I can come to select from Computer so I have all of these images Available to me they're all just ones That I have that are on my computer it Can be anything that you want I'm going To select this one here and just open it Up and there we have it so now this Obviously is starting to look a lot more In line with my particular it my Branding simply because we now have a Bike what we can do is we can start to Select other elements such as the Background overlay color here let's Change that to something a little bit More in line with the website which is Kind of uses a lot more Reds so let's Change that one there and then of course We have all the text this text you can't See very well right now so we can Highlight this and we can start to Change the color so we can give it a Background color for example again let's
Go with the Red excellent so now it pops off the Page same down here we can select this One I might want this one to be black And same down the bottom here I might Just want to remove that or change it to Something completely different so I can Start to change the button text over This side so let's just say if I just Want to change that to no thanks there We go so now this is obviously a lot Bolder and you can just start to change This up however you see fit you might Want to go back to having no background Color you might want to add rounded Corners the rounded Corners usually look Pretty nice so let's start to round Those off Nice and it's increase the spacing you Can essentially start to amend all of This however you see fit to suit Whatever it is that you want to do of Course you can amend the text itself as Well so we might want to change this we Might not want to do a 15% offer or Sorry 5% offer we might want a 15% off Your order so again and then once we've Highlighted that we can then go ahead And change the color that is there to Make it all match up change the text Style as well something like this which Suits in with my website just a little Bit better let's provide that a little Bit different different there you see
Essentially do whatever you like this The options for what you want to change And amend here really are endless However once you've done this which is The main popup that we're going to use You also want to check down here for Optin and success so what these are are The different elements the different Areas that people are going to click Through so this is the first thing that Pops up do they want the offer yes or no Then we have the optin so so that if They do want the offer they submit their Email address just here and then once They have done that they get this they Get the discount code that you are Offering of course this has two benefits One being that this is going to entice People to spend the money right now Using the discount code the other being That they've also entered their email Address and generated a lead for you so That you can either send them out Something in the future to potentially Entice them back so that they can then Spend money again later down the line Worst case scenario for you is if they Don't buy anything now and don't come Back later so at least let's try and Cover that off if they don't use the Discount code right now so I'm just Going to amend a few of these different Elements so that everything matches up Obviously that needs to be a 15%
Discount code Etc and then I will show You what the next steps are okay so Design wise we are done we have our yes No page we have our opt-in page and we Have our success page absolutely fine of Course using this code here extra 15 you Want to make sure that you have an extra 15 code set up so that it does actually Work when people use it so the next step Is to go to the display rules so here we Have the display rules and this is when This popup is going to show up so how Long have they been on the page what URL Path is it that kind of thing so what We're going to set is we're going to set That the time on the page is very quick Cuz I want this to pop up very quickly Just so that you can see it so time on Up page Is no more than 2 seconds so it should Show up within 2 seconds and then this One is important for me at least the Current URL path is any page so we're Going to select the page that we want This to come in on so what I have is I Have the time on the page is no more Than 2 seconds and my URL path matches This page right here so in clicks Through to the bicycles page this is Where I want this to pop up so I'm happy With that I'm going to done and we're Going to go across to the next option so This is when your campaign is displayed This is going to allow you to change
Things such as if it's converted show it Again like do you want somebody to be Able to get hold of this exact same Discount should they return very quickly In this instance we've got it set so it Takes a year before that shows again if It's not converted so it's not used how Quickly as you want that to show again Let's just say s days let's make that an Awful lot shorter similarly remember Visitors so remember visitors who have Seen this particular campaign we can Also do some attention capturing things Like animate as it comes in so let's Just set that to bounce and we're done We just go to summary have a look and This is what we have as our overall rule Set it's very simple and it will do the Job next up we're going to go across to Integrations if if you have anything Else that you would like to integrate Such as uh maybe an email marketing System or something like that we can put It in here we don't need to worry about It and similarly with analytics it's Really important to get good analytics Back from your uh from your campaigns so You can use optin monster analytics and You can activate Google analytics if you Want to next up we're going to go to Publish just make sure we're happy with This and we're just going to click here On publish status change that to Published come AC come across to the top
Right hand corner and click on save so Our campaign is now ready to go and Published you can view it here in the Opin optin monster campaigns page it's Going to give you some stats obviously This is brand new so there's no visitors No conversions but you can keep a track Of that and then if you have the pro Version you can even set up a test to See which kind of maybe graphic or text Is actually more effective but let's Have a look at the website and see if This is working so here we are are on my Website and this is the homepage so no Popup nothing has shown up because That's not where it's supposed to show Up it's supposed to show up on the Bicycles page let's click on Bicycles and we should there we go less Than two seconds we got a bounce Immediately comes up do you want an Extra 15% off your order takes up the Whole page cannot avoid this and we're Going to say yes please I would like 15% Off there we go and now we can enter our Email address submit and we're going to Be able to get hold of that 15% off Discount code that is bold it's bright It's in your face and you're going to be Able to make more sales more conversions Through using something like this and it Doesn't have to be a 15% discount it can Be free shipping it can be anything that You want that you can set up that might
Convert more people and in turn generate More leads now some else that we do have To consider is the size of Our Brands You and I are not running giant Corporations such as Nike or apple we Don't have an immediate builtin Trustworthiness so even when we're Offering these kind of discounts there Might be a little hesitation from people So we want to overcome that hesitation Quickly and easily and the way we're Going to do that is by building trust Using social proof so if you want to Know how to do that you want to click This video right here