How to Display the Last Updated Date in WordPress

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And now when we see it we can see that The publish date is here and then the Last updated is this date you can make Some adjustments to that if you'd like You can also change a little bit of The Styling if you are comfortable with Doing that I'll show you what that looks Like you can go in here add a little Snippet And from here we actually want to create A brand new piece of snippet we're going To custom And we're going to just create a title Of Custom CSS for updated Eight Dudes yes I snippet I'm going to paste this here and we Actually have this in our written Tutorial that you can use and this is Just a really good way to start with Something so I'm going to make this Active as well we're going to save it And then we can see it in action so when I come back to my post when I update it It has changed this and maybe a little Bit smaller given a little bit of a Different transformation for me

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