How to Add Missing WooCommerce Pages in One Click

Is your WordPress e-commerce store not working properly? Are you missing some WooCommerce pages?

Here is how you can replace any missing WooCommerce pages using a built in tool which will do everything in one click.

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Here's a really quick way to make sure You have the right woocommerce pages on Your WordPress site from the dashboard Head to woocommerce hover over that and Click on status on the status page click The tools tab at the top navigate to the Create default woocommerce Pages section Click the create Pages button and a Notification will ask you if you want to Run the tool click yes and woocommerce Will now install all the missing Woocommerce pages on your WordPress site Just like that you can check all the Pages by clicking pages on the dashboard Menu and then clicking view on an Individual page you now have a fully Functioning store and check out

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