Help Customers Spend More With A Smart Navigation Menu

Sometimes making more money just comes down to how easy you can make it for customers to find what they want and complete that transaction. Your navigation menu therefore, is absolutely critical. This is how to create and utilize a smart navigation menu to help your customers spend more money. They get what they want and you make more sales.

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0:00 What Navigation Strategies Can We Use?
0:55 What Is A Navigation Menu?
1:15 How To Find Your Navigation Menu
1:57 How To Add Your Store To Your Navigation Menu
3:42 How To Create A Navigation Menu
5:48 How To Use Widgets To Maximize Your Sales Impact
8:15 Other Strategies To Make More Sales.

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I was in an electronic store recently And because my brain is permanently Wired for WordPress I started thinking About how easy they were making it for Me to spend my money and how we might be Able to use that same technique on our Websites there's two key strategies that They're using that I want to talk about Today and also show you on my website The the first thing is super simple look How easy they've made it for me to find What I want look at the huge labels Around the store essentially generating Their own navigation menu so let's have A look at our navigation menus on our Websites and essentially how you're Going to build One nice quick one for anybody who Doesn't know this is my website and this Up the top here is my menu this is what We're looking to do generate something That gives people a really easy way to Navigate and in the end buy things this Menu or any menu is actually really easy To find all we're going to do is we're Going to come across here to appearance So this is from the WordPress admin Dashboard and we're going to come down And just select menus this is the page That you're going to going to be greeted With and this is showing my navigation Menu see here menu name navigation this Is what is on it now what I have here is A website where when I built it it

Wasn't selling anything wasn't selling Anything through for example woo Commerce now it does so in order to get People to my shop I probably want to add Something into my navigation menu so if We take a look here here on the left Hand side in the pages I have a shop Page now so I can click on the shop page And I can add it to my menu now I have a Shop page on my menu so people can go There really really easily now what I Also have is I have somewhat of a sales Landing page it's just here but it Offers a great discount so I can select That add that to my existing menu and Then I might just want this to fall Underneath the shop so if I just move That across to the right that's now a Sub item under the shop nice and Straightforward then as I come down you Can see all of the information obviously Don't want to be called sales landing Page so what if I just call That discounts page that is certainly Likely to get people to click and then Maybe use the discount that I have Available on that particular page of Course you can do this this with as many Different pages as you like you can even Add individual posts if you have a Particular post that you think would be Very beneficial for people to see maybe You've got some kind of information on There about a product get that up on

Your menu as well we can also add Woocommerce endpoints so things like Orders Account Details we can add those And then once we've added those to our Menu again we can pop them all as sub Items under the shop so that they don't All become modeled and your menu doesn't Become too long now you might say this Is all well and good but how do we get This menu to start with or create Another one it's actually very easy and It's from this exact page that we are Already looking at and you can see just Up the top here create a new menu so Let's just save the changes we've made To this One head back up to the top and create a New menu Now from here you can see you've got Different locations where you can add a Menu our navigation menu that I just Shown you is our primary menu and also What's known as our off canvas menu but We do have other options so we could Create for example a footer menu let's Just make sure we name this menu so I'm Just going to call this footer Navigation and then we can create this Menu as well now the same as before we Can start to add different elements to This particular footer menu in this Instance I might want things like my Account checkout the cart let's get the Shop page back in there and maybe a

Gallery as well let's just add all of Those items to the footer navigation Menu and save that menu we have in Essence right there created a brand new Menu It's that simple so we can see now We've amended that menu we can come over Here we can click and go to our shop we Can also select things like our discount Page orders and Account Details so Realistically how much more likely is Somebody to buy from this particular Website now there is a very clear Shop Link right at the very top of the page Similarly if they are a returning Customer how much more likely are they To buy if they have access to everything To do with their account their orders Their Account Details all from Link in The main menu at the top of the page This may sound incredibly simple but Simply just giving people the Opportunity to go and buy is increasing Your chances of a sale a conversion Exponentially let's head down to Appearance and let's go to widgets for a Second here so this is going to give us All of the widget digs for various Different areas including the sidebar Just here but what I'm looking for you Can see the header just here as well What I'm looking for is the footer Builder widget and I want to put this Into in footer Builder widget 2 so That's just because of where I want it

This is very much going to depend on Your theme and your website so this is What's in my footer Builder widget 2 Already I'll scroll down and show you What that is it's this area right here Now what I want to do is I want to just Add something underneath it so I'm going To go to add block we're basically using The Gutenberg blocks editor here and I'm Going to search for menu so we can find The navigation menu this one just here And then that's going to give us all of The options for the menus that we Created the footer navigation of course Is the one we are looking for and as we Made it it's all about our store so I'm Going to call it your store so this Means that we're giving people even more Of an opportunity to basically locate And find things that are going to allow Them to make purchases or make Purchasing more easy so that's that done We're going to update the page and see What that looks like okay so if we Scroll down now to my footer you can see That we've created that down the bottom Here your store my account checkout Cart Shop Gallery all different things that Are going to allow people easy easier Access to buy items from our store or Check up on sales they've already made You're making the whole purchasing and Repurchasing process really really Simple by just allowing people to find

What it is they're looking for now I do Want to let you know that if this is Maybe too much for you or you simply Don't think you have time for this then I would strongly recommend checking out The link in the top inin comment or down In the description to check out WP Beginner Professional Services there a Whole team of dedicated amazing web Design professionals who are going to be Able to do all this kind of thing for You along with much much more if you are Interested hit those links and give it a Go the second thing is did you notice How many big bold adverts they had Around the store essentially how many Pieces of POS point of s To catch your eye they are everywhere to Try and make you buy into their current Discounts and offers well they have to Spread them around the store hope that You see them and hope that that then Encourages you to buy we are actually at A huge Advantage with our web stores Because we don't need to do that we can Pick exactly where our ads are going to Pop up exactly where our offers are Going to show and we can Target them Specifically to what is going on on that Particular page so how do we do that we Only need one tool and I'm going to show You how to do it right here just click That video

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