Google is recommending you update to WordPress 6.5

Google is recommending that you update your WordPress version to WordPress 6.5 ASAP, and here is why.

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Google is recommending that you update To WordPress 6.5 immediately look at This LinkedIn post from Gary who's an Analyst at Google and what he says about WordPress 6.5 is this if you're holding Back on upgrading your WordPress Installation please bite the bullet and Just do it of course WordPress 6.5 comes With a host of new features and Improvements and we even did a video About it which is linked down below Somewhere here on the screen but that's Not the actual reason the real reason For the recommendation is because WordPress 6.5 now supports last mod Metadata inite Maps which is an Important signal to Google and Bing to Understand how frequently they should be Crawling and indexing your content and Thanks to WordPress 6.5 this field is Populated automatically no additional Work is required from your end and That's why

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