First Look: HUGE Video Playlists Upgrade Coming To Presto Player, Lightning Fast

The number one video player for WordPress has a huge update coming to playlists.

It will enable you to make a custom video course like experience, all using core WordPress.

Instead of building a side loading app where your 3rd party plugins don’t work 😉, we are sticking close to core, leverging the Interactivity API.

Presto Player is here

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All of the opinions expressed in this video are my own, I was not paid to make this video. Whenever there is a link in any of my videos, if there is a referral program available, please assume that you are clicking on a referral link.

This is so fast this is a playlist with A list of videos and look here's the Navigation and watch I'm going to click Boom next video next video next video Instantaneously this is using Presto Player it's some things we've been Building but we're integrating with this New WordPress technology called the Interactivity API and it's basically for Building experiences on your website Like this that have interactions and Making things load lightning quick with No page refreshes and this is all using Core WordPress so uh about what was it Three years ago now I came out with a Product called presto player and with All my experience with videos I saw a Need for myself and we have tens of Thousands of people that have purchased Presto player and there's a free version That's used on about 170,000 websites Today so it's been a big success and a Lot of people love their Presto player And uh last year we released this Playlist feature and it made it so you Can add a playlist inside your content Anywhere on your website and it would Have kind of a really cool Netflix feel To it so what you know when you're going Between videos and stuff like that is Really amazing feature and earlier this Year we launched version three of of of Presto player and we said that we're Going to spend some time working on

Changing and rearching the experience of Playlists and this is what we've come Out with now we're not going to release This it's probably not coming out until The end of the year which about a month From now maybe give or take a week And uh but I'm showing you the Functional preview of it so we're seeing This playlist it's so easy to build and What's really cool is you can change Anything with it you can move anything Around if you want these like navigation Pieces up here you can do that if you Want this list of lessons over here on The left you can do that so let me show You how it all works so I'm going to go To the back end of WordPress and I'm Going to go here where it says prestal Player and there's this option here that Says playlist and when you click into That it's going to take you into this New interface that we've created and This is actually the core WordPress now They're switching to this new interface Called Data views and so we're going to Probably be one of the first companies To implement it and so over here on the Top right you can click add a new Playlist to create a new playlist and we Have two that have been created here and Also here on the left side you can see The different playlists that we've Created so there's multiple ways to get Into your your playlist uh you can edit

Your playlist view the playlist delete The playlist all from here so I'll just Click right here to see that playlist That we just saw on the front end and When we click into it you can see the List of videos inside of this playlist And we made it really easy with these Controls here to rearrange your videos To have the order that you want so if I Wanted this video to be the third video Just drag and drop and it's done and Let's put that back and you can Manipulate the order of this very easily You can click right here and add a new Video very easy as well and if you want To edit any of these videos the Thumbnail the excerpt that goes with the Video you can click on this edit button Here let's just do it I'll click on that Opens in a new tab takes you right to That video I can change my thumbnail I Can edit the excerpt right here whatever I want to do and then down here at the Bottom it says playlist and it shows you The playlists that this video is Currently in so you would come here Create a new playlist then you would add Your videos that you want inside of the Playlist and then you will see when You're looking at your list of playlists Here's the link to view it you can add This link on your website wherever you Want it but that's not where the fun is That's actually cool but that's not the

Fun this is the fun part so let's go Back out of that interface let's go to Appearance let's click on editor then I'm going to click right here where it Says templates and then there's this new Option here that says Presto player and Here is the playlist template so when I Click into this you the the whole Thing's template uh like it's a template So you can move anything change the Style of anything make this look and Work however you want so I'll open up The list View and you can see these are All the different components that make Up this template when I click on the Plus and scroll all the way down you'll See here's all the different components And you could literally place these Wherever you want to accomplish any Design that you want so I'll give you a Basic example so we have this list of Lessons on the right but what if I Wanted that on the left well let's just See what happens I'm going to just drag And drop this right there and boom it Intelligently moves the list over to the Left and it's smart enough to reposition The X and the word lessons when you move It over there and also for convenience You can actually click into here and you Can change the name of any of these Videos right here all visually it's Really nice so let me uh go back so I'm Going to click on the sidebar here's the

Other way you saw me just drag and drop Here on the left but I can click this Right arrow to move right and then it Moved it right across just like that so You can do whatever you want here uh if You want to style it so say this I want To have it be a different background Color I can go here I can choose a Different background color let's go Ahead and choose something light like That it's just from the color palette uh And there we have it you can you can Design this position things wherever and However you want to do it so let's go Ahead and revert that and this is core WordPress this isn't some separate Interface or side loing thing this is Core WordPress leveraging the Interactivity API so when I click on the Plus that means all of these things that You see here the media all of these Blocks and elements and even if you have Some third party blocks and elements That make sense you can literally just Drag can drop them right here into the Canvas to have this look how you want And work with what you have and so we'll See what ends up uh what we end up Coming with coming up with for that and What we'll probably end up doing is Having multiple templates that you can Choose from of of an overall design Where you'd be able to come in here Click this and we'll have a replace

Option in this toolbar so what we have To do now is come up with our Core Design we have to do some testing to Make sure everything is bug free and Works perfectly uh but but this is going To be a really exciting way to Del Deliver video content uh for training For courses uh and since this is all uh This is all using custom post types You'll be able to secure this experience With a membership plugin so if you want To have some kind of a lightweight Course situation you can use a Membership plugin to protect this entire Playlist which is pretty cool I have to Test it but I believe we also will be Able to say uh protect individual videos So if you wanted like the core videos There and then a couple ones that are Protected and someone has to pay an Upgrade for or just pay for you'll be Able to do that as well oh and I didn't Show you you can close this and it Slides over like this it's just so nice The interactivity here so uh anyways This is coming I can't wait to see how People use this I can't wait to use it Myself and see how I'm going to use it Because it's just a real slick way of Putting someone in a environment to Absorb your videos however you want to Display your videos it's pretty cool uh What do you think about this it's coming Next month or so to it's a pro it's in

The pro version of presto player uh so That's what it will require uh but I Just can't wait to see what uh people Are able to accomplish with this

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