ChatGPT Makes Mistakes! 🤭 I caught Chat GPT to make a mistake and made him to appologize 🤖😛🤖

ChatGPT Ai bot admits it can make mistakes! This short video about Open Ai Chat GPT and why you should not trust this AI BOT! The truth is, it still is so new and you need to double check everything that Chatgpt spits out.

If you want to know how to make money with AI BOTS while you sleep, check out this page:


AI tools are here to help us to work smarter rather than harder. If you know which AI BOTS to use and for what, you will be able to set yourself for life. But again, you need to know how to guide these AI BOTS and check if the information is correct or not.

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Hi! I’m Brett and I have been learning and applying ways to make extra income online. After while I was able to quit my 9-5 job and start my own online business and martial arts school. When I first start learning to make money online in 2001, I did not expect that this will be the best option for me to be my own boss, do what I love to do and travel to different countries and learn about new cultures. I will show you the best ways to make money online that helped me to get to the point that I could quit my 9-5 nightmare. If you have any questions about how to get started to do your own thing online, let me know. I am more than happy to help.😉

And if you want to learn how to make extra $3-5K a month with various AI BOTS, check out the link below:

For more ways to make money online this is my recommendation:

Hi! I’m Brett and I have been learning and applying ways to make extra income online. After while I was able to quit my 9-5 job and start my own online business and martial arts school. When I first start learning to make money online in 2001, I did not expect that this will be the best option for me to be my own boss, do what I love to do and travel to different countries and learn about new cultures. I will show you the best ways to make money online that helped me to get to the point that I could quit my 9-5 nightmare. I hope you will do the same very soon via affiliate marketing, making YouTube videos, blogging, investing in crypto and nfts. If you have any questions about how to get started to do your own thing online, let me know. I am more than happy to help.😉

➤ MORE VIDEOS on Chat GPT App:

ChatGPT Creates YouTube Channels – Make Money Online with YouTube – Chat GPT Shows You Everything

Will OpenAi Chat GPT Replace Google? Learn How to Make MONEY ONLINE with ChatGPT-3 Ai Bot Now

How To Write Product Review Article With ChatGPT App – Complete Chat GPT-3 Tutorial for Beginners

ChatGPT for Videos – Make Engaging YouTube Videos In 5 Minutes – Full Beginner Tutorial


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ChatGPT Makes Mistakes! 🤭 I caught Chat GPT to make a mistake and made him to appologize 🤖😛🤖

This YouTube shorts on ChatGPT is showing you that it made a mistake and I made him to apologize for it… hillarious!

➤ Watch replay:

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Is not that smart I cause him to make Mistake I'm gonna show you I wanted to Play Tic-tac-toe and he said yes let's Do this this was our first game and this Game was basically a draw but then I Asked him let's play again so we did I Won I have the O's he has the X but GPT Told me it's a draw I'm like no when I Won I have three O's you see that and Then he says I apologize you are correct You have won the game I'm a machine Learning model and while I can play Tic-Tac-Toe I'm not perfect and I can Make mistakes so yes check GPT actually Admitted he makes a mistake so please Understand that not every AI machine Will be good one

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