ChatGPT Creates YouTube Channels – Make Money Online with YouTube [Chat GPT Shows You Everything]

ChatGPT Creates YouTube Channels – Make Money Online with YouTube – Chat GPT Shows You Everything! Want to learn how to profit from other AI BOTS?

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Are you ready to revolutionize your YouTube experience? In this video, you will learn how powerful ChatGPT bot by OpenAI is. It’s changing the game for YouTube creators, making it easier than ever before to create successful channels and make money online.

You’ll see how ChatGPT can help you with every step of the YouTube creation process, from generating channel names and video topics, to crafting engaging video scripts and creating eye-catching thumbnails.

You’ll learn how to use this technology to maximize your earnings and achieve your goals on YouTube.

Don’t waste any more time struggling to come up with ideas or writing scripts, let ChatGPT do the work for you. Watch this video to see it in action and learn how to use it to take your YouTube channel to the next level.

And don’t forget to hit the subscribe button to stay up to date on the latest tips and strategies for making money online with YouTube. See you in the next video!

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Hi! I’m Brett and I have been learning and applying ways to make extra income online. After while I was able to quit my 9-5 job and start my own online business and martial arts school. When I first start learning to make money online in 2001, I did not expect that this will be the best option for me to be my own boss, do what I love to do and travel to different countries and learn about new cultures. I will show you the best ways to make money online that helped me to get to the point that I could quit my 9-5 nightmare. If you have any questions about how to get started to do your own thing online, let me know. I am more than happy to help.😉

The best results I get from using Chat GPT is in combination with one of the best AI writing tools on the market today that has over 50 other tools to help you to write better content:


I know it will improve the product review article that was initially written by Chat GPT-3.

ChatGPT is a powerful language generation tool powered by GPT-3, and it makes it easy for anyone to write high-quality content with minimal effort.

And if you want to learn how to make extra $3-5K a month with various AI BOTS, check out the link below:


For more ways to make money online this is my recommendation:


Hi! I’m Brett and I have been learning and applying ways to make extra income online. After while I was able to quit my 9-5 job and start my own online business and martial arts school. When I first start learning to make money online in 2001, I did not expect that this will be the best option for me to be my own boss, do what I love to do and travel to different countries and learn about new cultures. I will show you the best ways to make money online that helped me to get to the point that I could quit my 9-5 nightmare. I hope you will do the same very soon via affiliate marketing, making YouTube videos, blogging, investing in crypto and nfts. If you have any questions about how to get started to do your own thing online, let me know. I am more than happy to help.😉

➤ MORE VIDEOS on Chat GPT App:

Will OpenAi Chat GPT ReplaceGoogle? Learn How to Make MONEY ONLINE with ChatGPT-3 Ai Bot Now

How To Write Product Review Article With ChatGPT App – Complete Chat GPT-3 Tutorial for Beginners

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ChatGPT Creates YouTube Channels – Make Money Online with YouTube – Chat GPT Shows You Everything!

This Chatgpt by Open Ai will change the YouTube forever! This video will show you how you can use ChatGPT to create YouTube channel. You will see how it helps you with channel name, video topics, video scripts and even give you ideas on how to create engaging thumbnails.

➤ Watch replay:

Note: some links may be affiliate links to provide a small kickback to support my channel. Thank you! 🤩

Jgpt by openai's extremely powerful on This video I'm gonna show you how you Can create YouTube channels using kgpt And then you can simply make money with YouTube without doing almost nothing [Music] Are you guys ready let's fire up the Chatbot the first thing I did is I asked Che GPT what can you teach me on topic Of starting a YouTube channel and he Gave me kind of cool points like Starting a YouTube channel can be fun And rewarding experience and yes it can Be really cool here are a few things you Should consider when starting your own Channel the first tip was that I had to Choose a niche a topic for your YouTube Channel which kinda I agree second it Helped me to create channel trailer not Bad idea I am not sure if I did it Myself but yes it's cool then it told me Plan your content because I need to Decide on posting schedule and plan out Topics or themes for the videos then he Told me that I need to invest in Equipment But then and continue while you don't Need the most expensive equipment to Start a YouTube channel it's important To have a decent microphone and camera To produce high quality content I think That my mic is pretty good and I think That my camera needs to be improved Based on what I learned right now from

Jet GPT cool right after that it gave me Even some tips on how to promote the Channel for example share your videos on Social media blogs and other online Platforms to get more views Interesting and then engage with your Audience respond to comments and answer Questions to build a community around Your channel and I think these were Pretty decent tips so if you want to Start YouTube channel hey tgpt can tell You how to get started in the next step I told GPT that I am interested in Affiliate marketing and want to start Child on that topic is a good Niche and His answer was that affiliate marketing Can be a good Niche for YouTube channel As it can be a way for you to earn money By promoting products or services and Receiving commissions for each sale made Through your affiliate referral link and Hey if you ever wondered what is Affiliate marketing That was pretty cool answer and now it Tells me some cool tips and guys if you Want to make money with affiliate Marketing and YouTube pay close Attention to this because this tool is Pretty smart it even tell me that I need To choose a specific Niche within Affiliate marketing it can be helpful to Focus on a specific product or service Rather than trying to cover everything Related to affiliate marketing so here

It tries to tell you that go small first And then grow big this can help you Build your audience and become an expert In particular area awesome tip check GPD Research and compare different affiliate Programs look for affiliate programs That offer products or service related To your Niche and compare their Commission rates cookie duration and Other terms and this is another Excellent tip from chat GPT it's telling You about cookie duration man this is Such important tip just because some Affiliate programs give you Cookie only For one day and some for 30 days 60 days 90 days longer till quickly last better For your commission and then of course It tells you to create valuable content In order for your audience to trust your Recommendation and click on your Affiliate links you need to provide Valuable content that helps them solve a Problem or learning something new and That's what I call legitimate affiliate Marketing and the last tip on affiliate Marketing to have on your mind is Disclose your affiliate relationships And again this is very important because You need to be transparent with your Audience and disclose that you may Receive a commission for any sales made Through your affiliate links and this Helps to build trust with your audience And this is the way I do this I put note

At the end of my YouTube description and Say some links maybe affiliate links to Provide small Kickback to support my Channel thank you there is nothing Complicated to this but this little Thing makes you honest affiliate Marketer and it's very important because Builds more trust with your audience and You will make more money at the end so After that I ask check GPT what are the Most profitable subjects in affiliate Marketing and then I get some Recommendation and I think that for my Specific I like digital products just Because yeah I think it's easier to Promote digital products I told GPT that I would talk about digital products like Online courses and how to make money With affiliate marketing funnel Builders Email autoresponders blogging WordPress Basically I gave him some ideas I wanted To ask what would be the best catchy Name for this YouTube channel and it Told me that it sounds like you have Lots of great ideas for your YouTube Channel here are a few suggestions and It gave me five tips on how to call my New YouTube channel not only that it Even gave me idea on how to make sure That the channel name is good and even Gave me a tool name checker dot com Where I can see if it's still available Don't you see that chat GPT is another League of AI tool insane but you know

What I took it step further I asked GPT To create YouTube playlists or what this Tool thinks that my playlist should be All about right so it gave me idea on How to structure my YouTube channel not Only it gave me structure like for Example I should have five playlists one Of the playlists is affiliate marketing 101 and there I can include beginner Level videos introducing the concept Strategies but then different tools and Techniques playlists where I can include Video show casting different tools and Techniques you can use in your affiliate Marketing business such as funnel Builders email autoresponders content Creation software guys this is exactly What I had on my mind when I asked gbt To give me the ideas now I know exactly Exactly what videos I should be doing For my new channel and the best part About this is that you know I paid Thousand dollars for courses on YouTube Where I get this type of answers so can You agree with me that check GPT if you Use it correctly can help you to save Lots of money I think so the next step Was that I asked GPT to give me ideas on Video titles on the playlist number one So as you can see playlist number one Was affiliate marketing 101 so it Clearly remembers what it told me and Now it starts using that video titles For affiliate marketing one-on-one

Playlist now I have time to finish my Coffee Um I like to work like that and then I Wanted to test your GPT on video scripts Right so first of all I wanted to see if I will just tell him about outline about The video number one what is affiliate Marketing for example and it gave me Clear structured bullet points which I Can follow and I can create video about It that's insane but what it's also Really insane is that I asked GPT to Give me ideas on YouTube thumbnail for This video because some names are Important and man this blew my mind Because it even gave me ideas so the First idea for example is a close up of A laptop screen showing a website or Blog with affiliate link highlighted or Graphic with the words affiliate Marketing in bold letters along with an Image that represents the concepts such As pie chart showing how profits are Shared between businesses and Affiliates Or colorful and eye-catching graphic With the title of the video and the Image that represents a it's marketing Such as stack of books or person using Laptop so as you can see chat GPT can be Used to research get all the concepts That you need for whatever Niche you Decide to create the YouTube channel on And just asking questions the same like I did on this video and you can have

Channel ideas ready within 10 minutes And if for some reason you need a full Script because you just don't want to Have bullet points because they are not Enough for you then you can ask ggpt hey Can you create a script on video title For example what is affiliate marketing Using hook content and CTA formula and It actually gives you the script which You can then just basically only read And you have the video done for you and What happens after you create YouTube Video right you're gonna upload it and You will need YouTube video description And if just in case your brain working So hard and cannot come up with good Video description hey you can go and ask Your GPT let's go do it live so Basically you can go to ggpt and ask As you can see I told ggpt that I want To create YouTube video titled I give Him the title name and then can you Please uh I don't know but I like to be Polite even though it's machine but you Never know so can you please write Engaging and SEO friendly I just wanted To make it a little bit hard on the chat GPT so I want to see if it really does Create good YouTube video description With this command so now we just need to Press enter and see what the GPT give us Voila that's it you see how fast it can Create this content this is like time Saving tool that I think it will

Definitely change YouTube Forever or More precisely it will change the way YouTubers create videos forever I hope Guys that you get some value from this Video and maybe next time you want to Create YouTube channel you just go to GPD and it can give you all the answers You need and just in case you enjoyed This video please give me like and if You are completely new to my channel hit That subscribe button hit that Bell Notification icon and I'll see you on my Next video Foreign [Music]

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