Affiliate Marketing For Beginners – How to Make Money with Affiliate Marketing as a BEGINNER

Affiliate marketing for beginners is a challenging. Many newbies are not making any sales and wonder why? If that is you then on this video you will learn how to make money with affiliate marketing as a beginner – You must do this!



When you want to make money online with affiliate marketing and are just starting out or you had no real success with affiliate marketing, this video will tell you why you most affiliates fail to make sales and commissions.

You need to apply the 3 confidence types in your affiliate marketing campaigns ASAP!

If you do this correctly, you will make money online in 2023 and well beyond… if you need some guidance, I recommend you check out these:



Hope you get motivated after watching this video and start learning how to make money online with affiliate marketing.

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Affiliate Marketing For Beginners – How to Make Money with Affiliate Marketing as a BEGINNER

On this video you will learn how to make money online with affiliate marketing and you will also discover the reasons why you are not making sales and commissions as an affiliate!

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Note: some links may be affiliate links to provide a small kickback to support my channel. Thank you! 🀩

Hey guys Brett here with affiliate Marketing for beginners video and on This video I'm gonna share with you why You are not making any sales or Commissions in your affiliate marketing Business [Music] Now I want to tell you that making money Online with affiliate marketing is not As easy as people make it sound or you Know when you see the video on YouTube I Made ten thousand dollars within like Two days or oh my God today is my first Eight thousand dollars a day then you Know you you might think that it is easy And everybody can do it but actually It's not and on my Channel I want to Give you the honest truth about Affiliate marketing so you don't live in La la land and you can expect that you Need to do hard work right you need to Do something you need to take action Otherwise nothing will change and the Biggest problems why people are not Making sales I thing is that they they Don't know how to build traffic that Will turn to opt-ins to the leads right Because if you don't have leads then you Will never make money with affiliate Marketing leads or list is very Important and you know there are Products online right now and or Affiliate marketing courses that they Telling you you don't need to have list

No websites no videos no ads it's BS I'm Telling you right now I don't listen to These people because in order for you to Make money you need to get traffic and The traffic can be either free or you Pay for it right so Um once you start understanding it then You can go and change your mindset about Building business online with affiliate Marketing because after that it is easy But you have to overcome the mindset of You don't need to do anything right Because there's a lot of like Charlottetowns out there that they're Telling you you don't need to do Anything and you make money and you know Just because you probably tried so many Things before you're like okay let me Give it a try and then you'll find out That you spend so much money to learn This method that you don't need to have Website you don't need to have lists Right and you end up maybe even a little Bit couple more steps backwards than When you were before and I don't want You to do that so please you know just Make sure you understand that you need To have traffic you need to work for This traffic and there are ways that you Can get traffic faster right But you need to have the traffic that Turns to the leads and after that it Only comes down to that you need to Develop confidence in those prospects

And before they buy right and they're Now there is this three type of Confidence that you need to instill in People they need to have confidence in The product they need to have confidence In you and they need to have confidence In themselves that whatever you're Trying to sell that they can use it it Can help them and they can actually Follow whatever steps the the products You're teaching them right or whatever It is so basically if let's say you have A product let's say let's say you want To Market a course on how to make money Online right Now that product needs to prove already That it helped hundreds of others people Not now not Before all the time it needs to be Proven that it works For a couple of years already and Continues to work because you know some People think that hey internet is Evolving change yes it is but only the Marketing matter people are still always The same So If a product Basically is Evergreen worked 10 years Ago and working even now it is good sign It is good product and you can be Confident in the product and therefore When you are confident in the product You instill the confidence in your leads

Or in the people who are on your list That you try to build this trust with You in a relationship with you so this Is the first thing you need to First Trust Do the product so you can instill that Confidence of that product to your leads Right now if you don't have leads you Can turn this video off because it's not Going to help you you need to learn how To develop builds okay because many People do the mistake that they slap Their athletic links everywhere they Want and they think that something Sticks this doesn't work if somebody Teaching you that you just put link There directly to the product and you Make sales maybe maybe from 1000 visits Maybe you get one sale but if you do it Correctly and if you build leads from One thousand leads you can make at least 80 to 90 sales right so it is huge Difference in numbers I'm telling you Build the list Because that's how you instill this Confidence in people then also when you Have this list it needs to be basically Building confidence in you And the subscribers they are on your List they need to see that you really Care To help them out of something if you are Promoting weightless product You need to really be there for them and

You need to provide great information About weight loss maybe reviews hey this This work this doesn't work you know and Stuff like that you need to be really Honest and transparent Because maybe it was working for you Can work for them but you need to tell Them right and you need to tell them Your stories and be more personal even With them and once they start to getting To know you better Then Devil start to be confident in you that When you say something it means Something and this is how you need to Position yourself once you position Yourself in a way that they trust you Like this you will make sales but if you Don't have that then you will not make Sales so if you're wondering why you're Building your list but you don't make Sales it means that they don't trust you You did not build confidence In you for these people they need to They need to feel that you are the right Guy for them and somebody who truly Cares For their success doesn't matter if it's Weight loss doesn't matter if it's Martial arts training doesn't matter if It's make money online doesn't matter if It's social media marketing or whatever You want to teach them or whatever your Product is doing right maybe dog

Training right so This is the second Confidence and the last confidence is That you need to instill confidence in Themselves because Most people let's let's say we're gonna Talk about Um about weight loss most people who try To lose weight they already were on some Kind of diets that didn't work for them So they think they cannot do it Because of something you need to find Out what it is now if if you are Teaching them how to make money online Like I do There's so many shalatas out there that They s you know they sell snake oils and All information that they just repacked It And make it seem new and in so people Will be like yeah I need this Because they are just only working on Their mindset They know how to psychology of people Work because it didn't change for Hundreds of thousands of years so You need to understand this And you need to make sure that now with You whatever you show them whatever you Teach them they can do it And that's the last step if you if you Give them the conference in the product If you give them the confidence and and You

Or whatever company you're promoting It's not enough because they still think They can't do it Because of some reason you need to find Out the reason and you need to you need To address that reason and after this You have better chances to make sales as Affiliate for whatever product you're Promoting or even if you create your own Product it doesn't really need to be Affiliate marketing but my channel I Like affiliate marketing the most Because you don't need to create Products you need to you know it it Costs a lot of money to develop sales Pages test those selling space you know How many ads you need to buy how much Traffic you need to get first to see if It converts so then you can go and sell It basically on autopilot right it takes A lot of money but with affiliate Marketing you simply just plug it into The system that's already working Producing sales the products proven to Sell then if other people are selling it Why not you right so that's why Affiliate marketing is good but this This uh confidence thing is is the key Like I'm telling you guys people's Mindset or site psychology their brain Did not evolve for a really long time Marketers knew it since 1900s And you know use the indirect response Marketing you can use it now in ads in

Everything you just need to know Why how this everything works and this Is On this video now you know you need to Basically do these three things So again guys please write this down In order for you to get really big Chances to make sales and commissions For any product or any company you Promote whatever you're doing online as A home business owners you know you can Be promoting network marketing mlms you Can create you can promote affiliate Marketing products right doesn't matter The chances that you make more sales is That first You need to instill confidence in you Then in the product and then in their Own And do you know how you do this Just being you Many people are scared to show the face In front of your camera they started Doing like these faceless channels and I'm also making faceless channels and And on this faceless chance I can say Whatever I want And even if I would not believe in the Product and I I make the script For the mindset of the people that I can Basically make them believe they make Them and everything is real I can set Even bad thing and make money but when I Show my face I can't do that I need to

Be more honest and you you will make More sales like this as well so guys Please just pick up camera look I'm Using normal camera Logitech right HD Camera connected to my computer and I Have this beautiful red microphone That's all I need I I can't even record It in my in in on my cell phone it Doesn't really matter I can do this Video I can show my face and I don't Care because I whatever I say I believe In and whatever I try to make money with I test it and it works I believe in it So then I I'm not afraid to say hey this Works hey this works hey you don't have Enough money try this because this Doesn't require enough a lot of money Do you have more money okay this is the Best opportunity for you for example Right because I tested it and I've Tested hundreds of different affiliate Products or opportunities from working From home and all that stuff and I'm Telling you All of them have one thing in common to Make sales you need to you need to make Sure that you build a list of interested People and then you follow email for all Apps which actually teach them or make Them be more confident in you like Affiliate or or whatever or or Network Marketer doesn't matter Then confidence in the product that it's Really good really working and it does

What it's supposed to do what they say On the sales space and it's not just Like that they saying something on the Sales page and doesn't work and the last Thing that this follow-up needs to do is That you need to make sure that the People who are reading it they become Confident in themselves and I'm martial Arts instructor I teach people how to be Confident so I think that I am the best Guy for you guys to teach you how to be Confident how to believe in yourself Actually this Monday I I want to teach Class and there was this mom she's Working as as a teacher it's cool and You know in in Czech Republic the school Teachers are kind of like they don't get Paid well but they they they are they're Really hard working but the kids they Don't listen you know it's it's I would Not be doing the job even if they pay me Million every Monday she was like oh my God I I don't want to go to see the kids It's you know she she now hates the job And you know what you tell me in in in In the class I'm so happy that the class is on Monday Because before every Sunday I was really Feeling down because I had to go to work But now I'm like but it's okay because On Monday after school I go to Brett's class and I feel good With the people there And this

Makes me really happy to hear Because I made her Life better By a simple thing that I have a classes On Monday for her And you know if I can help one person to Feel better about themselves My job is done for the day So I'm not the typical marketer that Promotes anything and everything just to Make quick buck I usually promote couple of things And maybe if I would say 10 thing 10 Things and Max in all my email lists Then it's a lot and I know that there's Hundreds of products I can promote right But I don't care for me this what I just Told you today it is very I think it's Very powerful message and if you get any Value right now please like this video And also if you could comment what is The biggest problems for you and maybe Tell me some of the biggest ah moment From this video then write it down in The comment section because I am reading And replying Each one of you so remember that that as A martial arts instructor I am here to Teach people to get better in life in Their head On the streets And now also Using the computer and make some money Because I know that many people say

Money is not everything But I don't believe that because money Can help you to accomplish way more than Without them and if you start understand This or making money online concept as Affiliate marketer or even your own Product designer producer you will never Ever want to go back to nine-to-five job Again Because you know what when I wake up at Nine o'clock in the morning for example And I I'm like damn people already at Work do you think that I'm having less stress of course I I can't even go to sleep at four o'clock In the morning and wake up at 12 o'clock In in the afternoon the next day and I Don't really care Right So my mind is completely relaxed Completely free of Any stress you know if you live Stressful life You need to do something about it Otherwise you will get very unhealthy Because when you start living in a Stress for a really long time you get Sick and I don't wanna oh I don't wanna Really put it out there but it's true we Are Not meant to live in stressful Environment so I when I first lived in Stress environment I get sick My skin color got down and something's

Called vitiligo and I never say that on On public now I said it because I just Felt it I want to be really Honest with you guys doctors told me That it's genetic and it cannot do Basically be undone right and you cannot You can unheal it but I did 95 of that of when I was on my body I Had it here here now I don't have it There anymore Was because I stopped living in a stress Environment and I I went to China for Three months having good time And no internet no Facebook just like That I felt way better You can do the same If you are doing affiliate marketing and You did not make any money yet you Probably did not follow and did not Instill these three confidence types to Your subscribers the people who are on Your list you maybe even did not start Building your list yet and if not then You have a lot of work to do because Three years from now you will still be Where you are right now no list no money Okay So just understand that now I can go for Forever with this like if you would go On coaching session with me I would Change your mindset completely that you Will become super afflict But

You know It would be expensive But I have something really good for you Right now uh this is a must read ebook Or report whatever you want to call it Um no opt-in required just go to forward slash advertise And read it and learn from it because You will understand how this advertising Work and how the Cycles you work and Only then you will be able to when you Apply it and take action only then you Will be able to make money online Like easily and even quicker than ever Before Just because you will have correct Mindset and then you will stop listening All these snake oil sellers that they Just want your money that's all guys I Can go on and on forever like like I Said like I I am passionate about this I'm passionate about helping people like Yourself to have better life not just to Make more money online But to have better life You know the money is just like an Energy that will turn to better life for You So just understand that and uh I don't Want you to miss any good videos on Making money online that I put on this Channel Sometimes I'm testing videos to see how

It's basically how it how people react To it sometimes it doesn't work Sometimes it does nevertheless I will Never stop creating videos on this Channel and I will always try to give You the honest truth honest reviews And I will not Try to sell you on anything that I don't Believe in myself Because like I said before I also need to believe in a product I Need to also believe in the company I Need to believe in myself And then I I believe in you so guys if You don't want to miss any good content Make sure first that you like this video And then you subscribe to my channel and Hit that Bell notification icon and I Will see you on my next video [Music] Thank you [Music]

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