🔥Top 7 Live Chat Tools That Will Skyrocket Your Small Business!

Looking for the best live chat software for your business?
✅ Checkout Live Chat 👉🏼 https://www.wpbeginner.com/refer/livechat/
One of the best ways, maybe the best way to provide customer support online in 2023 is with live chat software. There is data to back this up as well with customers showing that they have a better experience with live chat than any other form of communication.

With customer experience so critical to your small business’ success, then it could be time to look into adding a live chat option. If you’re not sure where to start or just need a nudge in the right direction, here are what we consider to be the best live chat software for small business’.

0:00 Intro – Why do you Need Live Chat
0:35 Live Chat
3:43 HubSpot
5:00 ChatBot
6:00 Brevo
6:36 Tidio
7:41 The Best Push Notification Software
8:43 Olark
9:35 Our Top Pick
10:08 Outtro

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Links to all the optimize tools discussed, with a best price.
►Live Chat – https://www.wpbeginner.com/refer/livechat/
►ChatBot – https://www.wpbeginner.com/refer/chatbot-com/
►HubSpot – https://www.wpbeginner.com/refer/hubspot-chat/
►Brevo – https://www.wpbeginner.com/refer/brevo-chat/
►Tidio – https://www.wpbeginner.com/refer/tidio-live-chat/
►Olark – https://www.wpbeginner.com/refer/olark/
►PushEngage – https://www.pushengage.com/

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►How to Install a WordPress Theme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZIPQRQLAz90

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►Best WordPress Contact Form Plugin https://wpforms.com/wpbeginner
►Best WordPress Analytics Plugin https://www.monsterinsights.com/
►Best Lead Generation Plugin https://optinmonster.com/
►Best WordPress SEO Plugin
►Best Theme Builder for WordPress https://www.seedprod.com/

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I think we can all agree that live chat As a customer support option is Absolutely fantastic and it's the way That the industry is moving figures show That customers have a much better Experience with live chat than they do With email or telephone customer service So if you want to be providing your Customers with the best possible Experience you need to be looking into Live chat so with live chat potentially Having a massive impact on your customer Experience and in turn your sales which Live chat software should you be using It's exactly what I'm here to tell you Not confuse things but our number one Pick is live chat it's literally called Live chat and you'd assume the reason They're called Live Chat is because they Are the industry leader so they Absolutely have to be the first pick on Our list one of our favorite features About Live Chat is that their support Apps can basically be put on almost any Device so it can be on phones tablets Laptops computers so that either you or Your team can have constant access to Your live chat features and you never End up missing a customer or leaving Someone hanging this means you've got Your access on the go and you don't need To be logged in to your WordPress Dashboard to respond to your customers We also really love live chats

Integration with other softwares it's Just going to make your life so much Easier when you're using it see live Chat integrates with your CRM software Integrates with messaging platforms like WhatsApp it'll support screen sharing And it'll even integrate with some of The top email marketing services so it Makes everything all work together Rather than you having to mess around Going from here to here to here to get Your customers the information that they Need you'd think that maybe with all That going on it might slow down your Chat service but that's absolutely not The case Live Chat is one of the fastest Services out there which again it's all All about giving your customer the best Possible experience and live chat really Does deliver I mentioned live chat Integrating with all your other software Seamlessly well it also works on a whole Host of platforms it's going to work on The platform you use for example going To work on e-commerce Easy Digital Downloads Shopify Wix and of course word Press as well as many more live chat Also don't overlook the little things Like the chat box itself can be Customized to reflect your company's Branding and colors it's a small thing But it does make a really big difference When you're presenting something to a Customer as a business or a small

Business live chat are likely going to Have a price plan that kind of suits Your budget they start at just $20 a Month and then progress upwards from There should you need more features but If you head down into the description You can grab a WP beginner discount code That is going to get you live chat for The best possible price and that's going To apply to all of the live chat Softwares that we are talking about Today next up we've got HubSpot HubSpot Are a really popular allinone marketing Tool that also offer a chatbot and live Chat Builder just like I mentioned with Live chat you can also customize your Chat box to reflect your own company's Branding and colors and you can also Make custom chat bots so if you or your Team aren't available they can kind of Take over for you and again you're not Missing any cust that way or at least You're Gathering data generating leads To help you contact with them when you Are back in the office to make your life A little bit easier especially if you Are already using HubSpot then HubSpot Live chat integrates pretty seamlessly With HubSpot CRM no code required life Is simple that way we do have to say Though that one of our absolute favorite Features that the HubSpot live chat has Is the ability to personalize the chat Bot for return returning visitors so if

Somebody comes back to your site your Chat box can be personalized to them Based on their previous visit which is Just an incredible way to help you boost Your sales help you generate even more Sales it's really really smart and Really brilliant as I mentioned at the Beginning HubSpot is an all-in-one Marketing platform so you're not just Getting access to the live chat you get Access to a whole host of other features You're going to get access to tools for Email marketing automation opin forms Sales CRM help desk software landing Page software customer portals the list Really does go on with all that in mind There is even a free version of HubSpot That you can use and try out and see if It's a good fit for you and you can add HubSpot chat Bots for free however if You want to get all the tools and really Maximize HubSpot plans start from around $20 a month One of the best things about live chat Software is the ability to automate Things take some of that pressure off You and potentially your support team And chatbot is one of the absolute best For that chatbot utilizes AI tools to Help you engage with your customers 24/7 You can create your own bot with a Really simple drag and drop Builder or You can use one of the pre-made Bots Which are all industry specific a really

Great option for you could be that you Can integrate chatbot with our number One pick live chat so you can have all That power of live chat that I spoke About with the AI of chat Bots is a Really great pairing obviously that's Going to cost you a little bit more but If you're a small business looking to Grow that 247 customer communication Could well be worth checking out chatbot Does have a 14-day free trial and then Their plans start from $52 a month Including 1,000 free chats which is Going to be enough for a lot of star If AI chatbots seem a little bit too Advanced for your small business then Maybe you should check out brao they are Perfectly designed for small businesses And they have a really great free plan That's going to offer you live chat Without you having to pay a penny there Is a complete marketing package Available with brevo and that's going to Give you access to CRM SMS and email Marketing a really powerful toolkit to Help boost your business as a small Business as I mentioned there is a free Plan with live chat so if that's all you Need for just one user this could really Be the choice for you next up is Tio and If you are wondering if they're reliable Well they're used by 300,000 businesses if you did like the Idea of the AI chat Bots and you also

Like the idea of being able to customize Your chat box to match your company's Branding then this will offer you both You've got 35 different pre-built ch Chat Bots that you can use and you've Also got the option to customize that Chat box if you're looking to keep Connected 24/7 you do have those chat Bots but you've also got a desktop and Mobile app so you've got access on the Go and Tio will also let you see what Your customers are typing in real time So it's all about speed you can react to That customer as quickly as possible and Give them the best possible service Tio Does have a free plan which includes 50 Live chat conversations 100 chatbot Triggers and unlimited tickets but if You want some of the more advanced Features you will need to choose one of The paid Plans while we're talking about powerful Tools that can help your business I also Want to highlight push engage push Engage is a web-based push notification Software that is used by over 10,000 Businesses if you've got information That you need to get out to your Customers and you want to do it in a Branded friendly way things like product Announcements or triggered notification Ations or even if they've maybe Abandoned a cart with you and you want To tell them hey this is still here if

You want to come back push engage is Really going to be able to help you do That in just a simple easy to use way Push engage also integrates with all Your favorite website platforms of Course WordPress is on there as well and All your mobile devices popular browsers Everything like that it works across the Board push engage does have a free plan But the paid plan plans only start at $9 A month and you get some of the more Advanced features overall it's just a Really powerful push notification Software if you've got information that You want to get out to your customers in A really fantastic expertly branded way Our final option today is olar which is Really great for WordPress Pages because They do have a WordPress plugin that you Can just click and install there's some Automation available here so you can Greet customers without any of your Support team having to write any Anything freeing them up to deal with Any customers that are chatting to you And you can also show FAQs again it's All about speeding up that process so That your customers get to the right Place and get the information as quickly As they can and that's going to help you Convert them into sales you're also Going to be able to host video chats Through integration with other popular Services and you can also use third

Party mobile apps to connect through Most devices and that makes you Available on the go all the time the Plans start at $29 a month but there is A free trial available if you want to Give it a go First there are some of the very best Live chat softwares for your business Your small business basically for Anybody who needs to use it from all Ranges of price plans and abilities now We obviously are recommending live chat It's just the industry standard and it Is the most powerful one you've got Available if you're really looking to Level that up then remember you can Combine that with chatbots and if you're Looking for an all-in-one marketing Platform then you really can't go wrong By using HubSpot if you do have any Questions or suggestions then do drop Them down in the comments and while You're down there remember to hit that Like button as well as the Subscribe Button cuz well I'll appreciate it and You get loads of great tips on how to Maximize your WordPress website but That's all for me here today I've been James have a good one and I'll see you Soon

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